Refund and Returns Policy is leading the way by offering a 7-day money-back guarantee only for fake id templates.

Unlike most fake id websites, We believe in customer satisfaction. That is why we are willing to give you a full refund in case our products don’t work and if we are unable to resolve your problem. We will process your request for a refund and credit the amount back to your account as soon as possible.

Refund Process

  1. When you make the cancellation request for the order, we review it and forward it to the concerned bank for further processing.
  2. The money will be credited back to your account as per the payment method schedule.
  3. Generally, it can take between 7 to 10 days for the refund to take place.

If you don’t get a refund in this timeline, you can reach out to us for further assistance. We’ll guide you through the refund process and answer all your queries and concerns regarding the process.

The whole idea behind our refund policy is to garner feelings of trust with our clients.

Need help?

Contact us at {email} for questions related to refunds and returns.